Running to Stand Still

In the quest for chicken dinners, it's important to have someone to share the meal. Camaraderie is not something you can just find anywhere. Strategies, stories, situations, and more will be broken down. If you've been at the table 30 minutes and you're not sure who the sucker is yet...YOU ARE THE SUCKER!!!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Aaron is the master. Last Friday night we went to our usual spot to play a little poker and hang out with Aaron's buddy Andrew. Well, there was an older guy that kept checking out the game. He was trying to razz us about our pathetic play, etc.

Well, Aaron finally got him to sit down and the guy proceeded to spew out 264 big bets on his first hand as Aaron goaded him on. Aaron politely raked in the pot and thanked him for doing business. It was a stellar round of Mexican Kung Fu.


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